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Year: 2019

Fraser Hooper – Boxing

From far far away New Zealand is our next inoor artist Fras­er Hoop­er who per­forms solo for more than 25 years now and his show was award­ed with so many prizes that we can not even name them all.

PanGottic gives juggling a new dimension

Jug­gling show full of com­e­dy and courage, as one man’s belief in the near impos­si­ble is put to the test. Young handy­man uses his own hand­made tools to use in the show. That´s Long Shot by PanGottic! 

Sven from Sweden

One of very few full time swedish street per­form­ers per­form­ing in streets, fes­ti­vals and oth­er venues around the world.

Duo Looky – The Happy Hour Show

Inter­ac­tive and ener­getic show that won´t leave you bored. Israeli Duo Looky per­formed this show all around the world and final­ly they are also com­ing to vis­it Ostra­va too. So don´t miss it!

Jay Toor – Holiday on Delay

Fun­ny one woman show of ger­man artist Jay Toor about not so suc­ces­ful start of her sum­mer hol­i­day is the best rem­e­dy for bad mood.

First of the performers 2019 is revealed!

Anoth­er new year is here again and 4th edi­tion o CIRKULUM fes­ti­val is clos­er and clos­er. So we have decid­ed to intro­duce you one of the per­form­ers who is going to appear on our street stage CIRKULUM. If you are already sick of the...

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Festival organizer 

Cirkus trochu jinak, z.s.
V Zálo­mu 29481
700 30 Ostrava-Zábřeh
Czech Republic 

DIČ: CZ22878670
IČ: 22878670 

Phone: +420 608 257 694

For those inter­est­ed in a stand at the fes­ti­val, please con­tact:

CIRKULUM fes­ti­val is the first inter­na­tion­al fes­ti­val of new cir­cus in the North­ern Moravia. The orig­i­nal con­cept of the fes­ti­val is so unique that there has nev­er been an equiv­a­lent to it nei­ther in Moravia or Sile­sia. It includes pre­sen­ta­tion and pop­u­lar­iza­tion of artis­tic gen­res such as new cir­cus, pan­tomime or street, phys­i­cal and impro­vi­sa­tion theatre.